About the Office of Planning
- Location :
1st floor of College Administration
building (Inje Hall)
- Fax number :
- To accomplish the educational objectives
of the college, the Office of
Planning strives to achieve the
following: creating a state-of-the-art
educational environment and promoting
studious learning environment;
improving various regulations,
systems, and the teaching method
of instructors; boosting the overall
work efficiency; establishing
a solid college master plan with
mid-to long-term plans; boosting
the quality of the school through
strategic and systematic promotion.
As the importance of efficient
data management and prompt delivery
of data is on the rise in the
advanced information-oriented
society, the Office of Planning
strives to achieve the following:
enhancing the academic administration
and educational services through
IT-related administrative and
educational support; contributing
to the informatization of businesses
and the local community.
About the Office of Academic Affairs
- Location :1st
floor of College Administration
building (Inje Hall)
- Fax number :
- The Office of Academic Affairs's
Academic Support Team has the
following goals: producing well-mannered
individuals with a big heart
and good character; producing
creative professionals; producing
competent individuals committed
to serving others; producing
globally-oriented talents. It
is based on the following college
mission: producing creative professionals
valued by the local community
and country by helping them foster
expertise and skills for the
future society. Also, Student
Support Center is established
at each building for efficient
academic operation and better
educational performance of the
college. The Academic Support
Team also provides support for
the following on an ongoing basis:
all department classes; curriculum
operation; student academic records
management; research activities
of instructors.
About the Office of Admissions
- Location :
1st floor of College Administration
building (Inje Hall)
- Fax number :
- It manages all matters related
to new student admission including
recruiting planning, final screening,
and analysis of the results.
It strives to fill the admission
quota and attract outstanding
students through its admission
process management policy, improve
the fairness of the system, and
explores new admission methods.
About the Office of Industry-School Cooperation
- Location :1st
floor of College Administration
building (Inje Hall) (Industry-School
Cooperation Team)/ 1st floor
of Student Welfare Center (Employment
Promotion Team)
- Fax number :
Cooperation Team) / +82-61-740-1279(Employment
Promotion Team)
- To produce competitive technicians
in the knowledge-based society
of the 21st century, it strives
to develop into a top college
in the region with support system
that facilitates close cooperation
among the school, businesses,
and public organizations through
the following: enhancing the
professional capabilities of
industrial workers; shared utilization
of education, facilities, and
equipment; joint research and
development of new technology;
providing technical instruction.
About the Office of Administrative Support
- Location :1st
floor of College Administration
building (Inje Hall)
- Fax number :
- It is a department that performs
the following: administrative
services for the overall academic
matters of the college; accounting
operation and management; faculty
management and support. The Office
of Administrative Support has
the following duties: handling
general affairs and purchase;
facility management; accounting;
HR management. The Office of
Administrative Support maintains
a cooperative support system
with related departments to handle
tasks accurately and promptly
with friendly services.